One again, you win.
A neat little finale. It's a shame this is the end, I enjoyed your series immensly. My personal favourite was "Another One Bytes the Dust". =D
One again, you win.
A neat little finale. It's a shame this is the end, I enjoyed your series immensly. My personal favourite was "Another One Bytes the Dust". =D
I get that a lot. Everyone just seems to love Teh Internauit. Anyway, I'm glad you liked the series.
>_> Your guest writer writes better than you~!
It has to be said. Don't get me wrong, your stuff is excellent, but this made me actually laugh out loud; something pretty rare. Maybe you two should collaborate more often? Graphics and sound quality the same standard as before; and that's not a bad thing. ^_~
Actually, if you're accepting guest scripts, I might try a hand at this - it'd be good practice...
Disappointing, mate, but I'll rise above it, because I am the consumate professional. But if Enoll's going to be upstaging me then we're definitely not making this a regular thing.
In all seriousness though I'd love to get a script from you, I've got about 5 guest scripts so far and the more the better, it just means there's more quality material.
Best. One. Yet.
Ah, how I wish I had a big, black man with a shotgun. The humour in this one is very open - more so than your last one. The fact that it ran on longer is a good thing - there are so many flashes that run on far longer, and don't lose steam or anything like that. Mostly as I can sit through text-based flashes for 20 mins without complaint.
Yeah absolutely, the humour in this one is way more broad than before. I don't want to alienate too many people - I tread a fine line in making these films, in that if I get too idealogical some people might not get the jokes, but if I steer clear of idealogies then I'm killing all the satire and veering away from my original intention. I mean, we've gotta keep in mind that I'm not making these flashes to change the world, I'm making them to entertain people about the expense of stupid behaviour.
Great quality as always.
But I felt the dialogue ran a little to quick this time. Don't get me wrong, I'm involved enough in current affairs to understand what they were talking about, but they switched ideas a little too fast for me to follow, so I had to watch it through a few times before I got everything.
Yeah I knew I was going to run into a bit of trouble trying to cover both Iraq and abortion in thirty seconds. It's definitely not your problem. I guess the way I rationalised it was that if you watched it once, you'd realise that being pro-life and pro-killing is absurd. You can read into it further from there with further views, but if I get A Point Across first time round, then I figured that was alright.
Ah, how I hated the real advert...
Mitchel and Webb are *not* funny. You on the other hand, are. A very neat parody, and excellent sound quality. You do get a few gaps in limbs when they move and stuff, but that's so minor, it really doesn't matter.
I think I will add you to Fav. Artists. Congrats. ^_^
Thanks, I spend a lot of time optimising sound. Half the time making these films is getting the timing right.
Favourited? Excellent!
A very well put together trailer.
Your animation skills are remarkable but please, please, PLEASE, don't copy an existing idea. Not only are there 1001 DBZ knockoffs involving sprites on NG, you're trying to follow (and surpass) the most popular one on here.
I'm not bashing your flash, just your concept. Put these skills to a story of your own, and originality will be yours.
Well, I'm not trying to compete with Super Mario Bros. Z. I do love that series no doubt, that's why it inspired me to make a series somewhat similar to it. The whole story to Nintegaball GT will be totally different, with maybe just a tad bit linked to Super Mario Bros. Z, somewhat like DBZ and DBGT. In Nintegaball GT, instead of using the Chaos Emeralds, I decided to have the dragonballs instead and to have Shenron. I think it's somewhat you can say, Super Mario Bros. Z ten years later.
The Final Scene...
Really, really imaginative. That alone far surpasses most of the other sound bites put in PW.
Maybe you should do a PW RPG flash? I'd vote 5 Fo' Sho'.
To be honest, I actually thought of making a PW RPG flash. And I started putting down the storyline and everything. But then I cant figure out how to work the various mechanics that go into making a flash RPG like that. I dunno how to make the menus pop up, shields, variables, or anything like that
But if I learned how, yeah! That'd be a reality.
A very nice tutorial.
It really could have done with a choice of BGMs, I didn't care much for that Fire Emblem remix.
Also, have you considered making those volume edits, then having the soundclip that you edited playable? So the reader can see what different things do?
it was a zelda remix (though fire emblem rawks) and yeah sorry bout that
The next step from webcomics is flash, right. So what better place to start and flog me website? (It's, go there now!)
Age 34, Male
Webcomic Artist
>_> None of your business.
London, England
Joined on 7/2/06